Marcel Caufriez, Doctor in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation (Motor Sciences), Diploma in Clinical Sexology and Family Sciences and in Human Paleontology, is the protagonist of Visceral Neuromiostatics and one of the founding fathers of Uro-Gynecological Re-education, particularly in Belgium and Canada. Marcel is the creator of the “Hypopressive” concept, of the perineal tonometer, of the Physiosexology, and of numerous techniques and equipment in the field of urogynecological physiotherapy.

In the 80s, working in paritors and in post-partum gynaecological re-education, Marcel observed that the pressure exerted by the thoracic diaphragm together with a weak parietal resistance were the cause of vaginal hernias (prolapses and urinary stress incontinence). Likewise, he discovered the antagonistic postural relationship between the serratus anterior and the thoracic diaphragm, so that when tensioning the serratus, a thoracic expansion was provoked while a tonic relaxation of the thoracic diaphragm, causing a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure with the corresponding intrusion of said hernias. In this way the beginning of Hypopressive Techniques emerged, defined in the program called “Diaphragmatic Aspiration Techniques”

In 1989, the first work in French was published which mentions this technique as rehabilitative therapy- “Thérapies Manuelles et instrumental en Uro-Gynécologie” (manual and instrumental therapies in Uro-gynecology Caufriez, 1989).

For a decade these techniques evolved by applying discoveries from other researchers such as KABATH, KLAPP, BOBATH, PERRIN or JACOBSON. Caufriez published the first French edition of the book “Gymnastique Abdominale Hypopressive” giving way to the first static exercises and postures of the Abdominal Gymnastics Hypopressive method  (GAH)

Today, GAH encompasses a gymnastics program with a holistic purpose, manual or instrumental therapy techniques and eco-physiological techniques, focusing on prevention, symptomatic relief or healing.

In the early years of the 21st century (2006-2007) seeing the need to work from the base in young athletes or fitness practitioners, Marcel Caufriez decided to create a specific program to prevent dysfunctions while improving health and physical condition without jeopardizing the function and health of people.

Through the development of these techniques, Hypopressive RSF was born, which constitutes a Functional Systemic Reprogramming that begins in the central area of ​​the body (abdominal-pelvic cavity) and develops in the global posture of the human body, both static and dynamic, improving health and physical condition, while preventing postural pathologies.

If you are a physiotherapist, doctor or midwife, consult the GAH courses at: